Julie Hesmondhalgh

Julie Hesmondhalgh, An Actor’s Alphabet

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Julie Hesmondhalgh has starred in some of our biggest TV shows including BroadchurchCoronation Street, and Happy Valley, and now she’s lifted the lid on life as an actor.

In her candid and empowering book, An Actor’s Alphabet, she draws on her decades of experience on stage and screen – including playing the first transgender character in a British soap – offering a glimpse of the realities of life in today’s industry, and how to navigate it.

A passionate advocate of the arts, she makes a powerful case for their importance to society, but also calls out the industry on what it needs to change to make it more accessible and inclusive. Join Julie for a refreshingly honest and humorous insight into what being an actor is really like, whether you dream of a life treading the boards, or are simply curious to know what actually goes on in this wondrous, madcap industry.

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About the Author

Julie Hesmondhlgh

Julie Hesmondhalgh

Julie Hesmondhalgh is an award-winning actor and writer. She is best known for her role as Hayley Cropper in Coronation Street, a part she played for sixteen years. She has since worked extensively in theatre, television, film and radio, where she is a regular voice on BBC Radio 4. She is co-founder of the political theatre company Take Back in Manchester, her home city.