Niki Igbaroola

Meet the Publisher 1:1 Niki Igbaroola

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Calling all aspiring authors! How would you like expert, one-to-one advice on getting your work published?

Would you like a top publishing editor to read your work and give you feedback? Well, here’s your chance. Whether you are writing fiction, non-fiction or a children’s book, you can book a 30-minute session with an editor from a renowned international publishing house.

Get world-class advice on the publishing industry, untangle your plot with an expert or learn how to write an attention-grabbing pitch.

Spaces are limited and booked on a first come, first served basis. If you’re looking for feedback on your writing and how it could be improved, you are kindly asked to submit the first two chapters of your manuscript, or up to 8,000 words, in advance.

About the Publisher

Niki Igbaroola

Niki has over 6 years experience building and developing communities for brands online and offline, with experience across proptech, fintech, recruitment, and publishing. She has developed and implemented strategy, managed teams and delivered written, audio and visual projects that have generated conversation and growth for digital, email and in-person communities in the UK and West Africa.