Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (d.1273) is the most celebrated mystical poet in the Islamic world and his Masnavi is widely regarded as the greatest Sufi poem ever written.
Though he lived over 800 years ago, Rumi remains one of the most widely-read and influential voices today, both in print and on social media. His popularity continues to grow with each new generation of thinkers who look to his poetry for guidance and spiritual questioning.
Jawid Mojaddedi, Professor of Religion at Rutgers University and an expert in early and medieval Sufism, has translated fives volumes so far of Rumi’s Masnavi as Oxford World’s Classics editions. His translations stay true to the original work by presenting Rumi’s mature mystical teachings in simple and attractive rhyming couplets.
Join Professor Mojaddedi for our annual Rumi Lecture as he discusses what makes Rumi’s poetry distinctive in the original Persian and how this can explain his universal and enduring appeal.
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About the Speaker

Professor Jawid Mojaddedi
Jawid Mojaddedi is Professor of Religion at Rutgers University. He was a 2014–15 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Translation Fellow and a 2020-21 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow. His translation of Book One of Rumi’s Masnavi was awarded the 2005 Lois Roth Prize by the American Institute of Iranian Studies. He has published five of the six books of Rumi’s Masnavi to date, all as Oxford World’s Classics editions. His other books include Beyond Dogma: Rumi’s Teachings on Friendship with God and Early Sufi Theories (Oxford University Press, 2012) and The Biographical Tradition in Sufism (Routledge, 2001).
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